Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Windows XP + Office 2007 = 13.5 GB

I reinstall Windows XP on my Tablet PC. I noticed that it is taking up a whopping 13.5 GB. This is after installing Windows XP (Tablet Edition), Office 2007, and all of the Microsoft updates (SP2 and about 120 updates). I should also mention that I did install a few extra options for both Windows XP and Office 2007. Sure you could remove a lot of things you may not use, but I would rather not for two reasons. First, it is time consuming to have to figure out what you don’t need. And second, I like having more features at my figure tips, not less. I really done like hunting for the install disk when I discover I need some feature that wasn’t installed. However, I am a fan of compression and I did compress my drive.

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