The following is from the book "Coder to Developer" by Mike Gunderloy. I found if very interesting because I am currently working in an environment where projects often get handed off from one group to another with little documentation from the people that actually wrote it. I think this type of document would be very useful. (Although I am not sure that I could be disciplined enough to write it for every project.)
The purpose of the postmortem is to record the lessons that the teamor the manager learned in the course of building the software (or thethings that they wish they has known before they started). A typicalpostmortem might include these sections:
- Overall description of the project
- Who was involved on the team
- How the projects' scope and features changed from initial design to final ship
- A list of things that were done well during the project
- A list of things that could have been done better
- A list of the tools used, along with en evaluation of their quality
- A list of tools that team members wish they had had available
- A list of important project documents with their location
- Recommendations for the next project: How can things be done better?